Field Blog/News

  • “Incremental” Success

    A mid-week check in from SIPERG here. Weather has been not great during our time so far (windy/chilly). This is typical for Ingøya – in… Read More

  • Arctic fieldwork begins

    SIPERG is in Norway! NSF, “Collaborative research: Exploring the role of oceanic and atmospheric forcing on Arctic marine climate from newly developed annual shell based… Read More

  • Congratulations Diana Thatcher on completing a Master’s Degree!

    (photo) Al Wanamaker and his two students Maddie (left) and Diana (right). Congratulations to SIPERG member Diana Thatcher, who successfully defended her Master’s Thesis on… Read More

  • Preparing for May field campaign

    Preparations are underway for our next sampling trip at the end of May! Joining SIPERG’s Al Wanamaker and Maddie Mette in the field are Will… Read More

  • A successful trip to Portugal!

    The trip last week into Buraca Glorioso was a success! We collected drip water (almost 4 liters!) and were able to collect drip count data. Read More

  • Diana travels to Portugal to collect data

    MS student Diana Thatcher is currently in Portugal doing fieldwork. Here is a message from her travels: Tuesday, November 18, 2014 I am heading… Read More

  • Wrapping up field work

    The last few days of fieldwork were reserved for finishing up mapping of marine terraces, organizing, labeling, and packing samples, and taking one last unsuccessful… Read More

  • Two little clams

    Yesterday and part of today were dedicated to deepwater dredging. Erlend, Maddie, and crew set out for the small shelf break northeast of Ingøy. Thorleif,… Read More

  • ISO Deepwater clams

    Al, Maddie, and Michael accompanied Captain Thorleif today in search of deepwater clams.  Winds were low and weather was good.  We left base camp before… Read More

  • Shallow water site: good progress!

    Between today and yesterday we collected a lot of shell material that washed up onto the local beach. This “gold mine” of samples will be… Read More