
  • SIPERG visits local school for lesson on sand!

    Three members of SIPERG traveled to a local preschool classroom for show and tell! Students in Mrs. Wellington’s class at United Community School (near Ames,… Read More

  • Congrats to Nina Whitney!

    Nina Whitney recently completed her preliminary exams in pursuit of a PhD. She is now officially a “PhD Candidate!” SIPERG is fortunate to have Nina… Read More

  • Dr. Wanamaker co-authors new collaborative work in Nature Communications

    SIPERG founder and leader Dr. Alan Wanamaker was recently featured in an Iowa State University news story about a recent collaborative publication in Nature Communications. Read More

  • SIPERG travels to Gulf of Maine

    Nina Whitney is currently assisting on a science vessel in the Gulf of Maine, USA. She is collecting valuable data for her PhD work. Below… Read More

  • Cave Updates from Portugal!

    Thought we were done with fieldwork? Nope, not yet! Why go back to the States when you can swing through Portugal to help Diana’s cave… Read More

  • Departure

    Early on Saturday morning, 5:30am, Captain Joakim ferried us to Havøysund to catch the Hurtigruten south to Tromsø. We hate leaving here but are excited… Read More

  • Last Days on Ingøya

    The weather has turned here at Ingøya, cloudy with wind at 10+ m/s. The land crew got some work done this morning out at Rolvsøya… Read More

  • Pretty in Pink

    On Tuesday morning we began sorting through some of the material collected from Sandenbai on Monday. We have noticed the Arctica from Sandenbai at Ingøya… Read More

  • Life at camp

    This post is to provide more details on our camp accommodations. Nobody can deny Ingøya is a wonderful place. Captain Joakim confirmed, “there is something… Read More

  • Sea Clams, Land Clams, and Fishing on Monday

    Today the land crew and boat crew went separate ways. Mike, Julie, Sam, and Claire began at the 30m beach near Mafjorden spotted from Alan… Read More