Dr. Wanamaker is working on the following research projects:
- National Science Foundation (NSF), Marine Geology and Geophysics (P2C2), “Collaborative Research: Evaluating the Origins of Multidecadal Variability in Late Holocene Indian Summer Monsoon Rainfall in Nepal” Role: Co-PI, PI Rhawn Denniston, Cornell College. Other Insitutions: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, University of New Mexico portion. start date- 01 June 2021; 36 months.
- NSF, Marine Geology and Geophysics, “Collaborative Research: Using multi-proxy paleo data to constrain natural and anthropogenic hydrographic variability in the Gulf of Maine System over the last 250 years” Role: PI, co-PIs Michele LaVigne, Bowdoin College portion and Branwen Williams Claremont Colleges; start date- 01August 2020; 36 months.
- NSF, “Collaborative research: Bridging the gap from northern Iberia to northwest Africa to reconstruct atmospheric dynamics and hydroclimate for the last 2,500 years” (PI, start date- 01 July 2018, end date- 30 June 2021).
- Maine Sea Grant, “From Paleoceanography to Policy: applying historical coastal pH baselines from long-lived shells and skeletons to contemporary shellfish aquaculture”(Co-PI, start date- 01 July 2018, end date- 30 June 2021); PI Michele Lavigne (Bowdoin College).
- NSF, “Collaborative Research: Multi-proxy reconstructions of North Pacific decadal variability from bivalve mollusks and trees”(Co-PI, start date- 15 May 2017, end date- 14 May 2022); PI Bryan Black (University of Texas- Austin).