New research and collaboration with Grinnell College

Dr. Betsy Swanner (website: and Dr. Diana Thatcher will be working with Dr. Andrew Graham from Grinnell College to look at mercury in the… Read More

Congratulations to Heeyeon Sun on a successful MS defense!

Heeyeon defended her MS research (Using clam-based stable isotopes and growth histories to reconstruct the temporal oceanographic variability in the Southern Mid-Atlantic bight over the… Read More

Congratulations to Ryan Oeste!

Ryan defended their MS research (Marine Isotope Stage 4 Changes in Hydroclimate of Southern Portugal) on April 10, 2023! Congrats on a great presentation and… Read More

Congratulations to Alex Walton on successfully defending her MS research

Alex defended her MS research (Using the Growth and Geochemical Signatures of Arctica islandica from Jonesport, ME, USA to Document Environmental and Oceanic Variability… Read More

Research graph
Dr. Thatcher leads new paper on hydroclimate in Portugal during last millennium

Congratulations to Diana on her new paper published in Climate Dynamics!   Thatcher, D.L., Wanamaker, A.D., Denniston, R.F., Ummenhofer, C.C., Asmerom, Y., Polyak, V.,… Read More

Study shows Gulf of Maine cooling for 900 years, then quickly warming since late 1800s

Update from Iowa State University News Services about recent SIPERG papers!… Read More

SIPERG publishes paper detailing unprecedented expansion of the Azores High in the industrial era

Led by Nathaniel Cresswell-Clay, a team of researchers, including Dr. Wanamaker, and Dr. Thatcher, wrote an article for Nature Geoscience on the results describing the… Read More

Gulf of Maine tank experiment wraps up

This project is funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), Marine Geology and Geophysics, and is titled “Collaborative Research: Using multi-proxy paleo data to constrain… Read More

Finally… SIPERG returns to Portugal!

Alan, Ryan, and David retrieving data from the caves. This project (Collaborative research: Bridging the gap from northern Iberia to northwest Africa to reconstruct… Read More

Congratulations to Alaina Chormann on successfully defending her MS research

Alaina defended her MS research (Insights into the Hydroclimate during the Medieval Climate Anomaly, Little Ice Age, and Industrial Era from Annually Resolved Southern Portuguese… Read More